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16. Making Rango Tango! Exercises

So far we have been adding in different pieces of functionality to Rango. We’ve been building up the application in this manner to get you familiar with the Django Framework, and to learn about how to construct the various parts of a website that you are likely to make in your own projects. Rango however at the present moment is not very cohesive. In this chapter, we challenge you to improve the application and its user experience by bringing together functionality that we’ve already implemented alongside some awesome new additions.

To make Rango more coherent and integrated it would be nice to add the following functionality.

  • Track the click throughs of Categories and Pages, i.e.:
    • count the number of times a category is viewed;
    • count the number of times a page is viewed via Rango; and
    • collect likes for categories (see Chapter ajax-label).
  • Integrate the browsing and searching within categories, i.e.:
    • instead of having a disconnected search page, let users search for pages on each specific category page
    • let users filter the set of categories shown in the side bar (see Chapter ajax-label); and
    • instead of refreshing the entire page, when users search, it only updates the results (see Chapter ajax-label)
  • Provide services for Registered Users, i.e.:
    • Assuming you have switched the django-registration-redux, we need to setup the registration form to collect the additional information (i.e. website, profile picture)
    • let users view their profile;
    • let users edit their profile; and
    • let users see the list of users and their profiles.


We won’t be working through all of these tasks right now. Some will be taken care of in Chapter ajax-label, while some will be left to you to complete as additional exercises.

Before we start to add this additional functionality we will make a todo list to plan our workflow for each task. Breaking tasks down into sub-tasks will greatly simplify the implementation so that we are attacking each one with a clear plan. In this chapter, we will provide you with the workflow for a number of the above tasks. From what you have learnt so far, you should be able to fill in the gaps and implement most of it on your own (except those requiring AJAX). In the next chapter, we have included code snipets and elaborated on how to implement these features.

16.1. Track Page Click Throughs

Currently, Rango provides a direct link to external pages. This is not very good if you want to track the number of times each page is clicked and viewed. To count the number of times a page is viewed via Rango you will need to perform the following steps.

  • Create a new view called track_url(), and map it to URL /rango/goto/ and name it 'name=goto'.

  • The track_url() view will examine the HTTP GET request parameters and pull out the page_id. The HTTP GET requests will look something like /rango/goto/?page_id=1.
    • In the view, select/get the page with page_id and then increment the associated views field, and save() it.
    • Have the view redirect the user to the specified URL using Django’s redirect method.
    • If no parameters are in the HTTP GET request for page_id, or the parameters do not return a Page object, redirect the user to Rango’s homepage.
  • Update the category.html so that it uses /rango/goto/?page_id=XXX instead of using the direct URL, remember to use the url templatetag (i.e. <a href=”{% url ‘goto’ %}?pageid={{}}”>)

16.1.1. Hint

If you’re unsure of how to retrieve the page_id querystring from the HTTP GET request, the following code sample should help you.

if request.method == 'GET':
    if 'page_id' in request.GET:
        page_id = request.GET['page_id']

Always check the request method is of type GET first, then you can access the dictionary request.GET which contains values passed as part of the request. If page_id exists within the dictionary, you can pull the required value out with request.GET['page_id'].


You could also do this without using a querystring, but through the URL instead, i.e. /rango/goto/<page_id>/. In which case you would need to create a urlpattern that pulls out the page_id.

16.2. Searching Within a Category Page

Rango aims to provide users with a helpful directory of page links. At the moment, the search functionality is essentially independent of the categories. It would be nicer to have search integrated into category browsing. Let’s assume that a user will first browse their category of interest first. If they can’t find the page that they want, they can then search for it. If they find a page that is suitable, then they can add it to the category that they are in. Let’s focus on the first problem, of putting search on the category page. To do this, perform the following steps:

  • Remove the generic Search link from the menu bar, i.e. we are decommissioning the global search function.
  • Take the search form and results template markup from search.html and place it into category.html.
  • Update the search form so that that action refers back to the category page, i.e.: <form class="form-inline" id="user_form" method="post" action="{% url 'category'  category.slug %}">
  • Update the category view to handle a HTTP POST request. The view must then include any search results in the context dictionary for the template to render.
  • Also, lets make it so that only authenticated users can search. So include {% if user.authenticated %} to the category.html template to restrict access.

16.3. Create and View Profiles

If you have swapped over to the django-registration-redux package, then you’ll have to collect the UserProfile data. To do this, instead of re-directed the user to the rango index page, you will need re-direct them to a new form, to collect the website and url details. To add the UserProfile registration functionality:

  • Create a profile_registration.html which will display the UserProfileForm.
  • Create a register_profile() view to capture the profile detials
  • Map the view to a url, i.e. rango/add_profile/.
  • In the MyRegistrationView update the get_success_url() to point to rango/add_profile/

Another useful feature to let users inspect and edit their own profile. Undertake the following steps to add this functionality.

  • First, create a template called profile.html. In this template, add in the fields associated with the user profile and the user (i.e. username, email, website and picture).
  • Create a view called profile(). This view will obtain the data required to render the user profile template.
  • Map the URL /rango/profile/ to your new profile() view.
  • In the base template add a link called Profile into the menu bar, preferably on the right-hand side with other user-related links. This should only be available to users who are logged in (i.e. {% if user.is_authenticated %}).

To let users browse through user profiles, you can create a users page, that lists all the users. If you click on a user page, then you can see their profile (but the user can only edit their own page).